Friday, February 19, 2010

Why Do My Feet Stay Hot Why Do My Hands Become Itchy, Swollen When Its Hot And I'm In The Sun? Is It A Heat Allergy?

Why do my hands become itchy, swollen when its hot and I'm in the sun? Is it a heat allergy? - why do my feet stay hot

Sometimes when I go to the beach and down to warm my hands and my feet can really itch. Later in the day, if they itch, swell, and sometimes discovered. My lips began to grow. I immediately enter and there in a cold climate. If I do leave the sun and clapped my hands and my feet feel like I'm on fire. The only thing that can relieve my pain, is cold air and cold water or ice. Strange as it only happens sometimes, and I'm allergic to everything. This "condition" that disappears in a few days by itself. Help! Am I the only one with this or anyone else knows anything about this?

1 comment:

Rockford said...

It almost seems, angioedema, but its strange that the heat triggered. If only the sun could be polymorphic, the reaction of light, or porphyria. So I went another link for you, whether it necessarily heat. My hands and feet used to burn in the sun too hot (not) the mouth, and now my hands and my feet slowly deaf. Could be the beginning of a nerve injury. Your hands are very cold in winter? You need a good doctor to the potential problems from the market, check to see blood tests for nerve problems such as diabetes and autoimmune diseases like lupus and porphyria.

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