Friday, February 12, 2010

Vive La Difference What's The Difference Between Liberty And Freedom ?

What's the difference between Liberty and Freedom ? - vive la difference

Long live freedom!
Long live freedom!


smart she online said...

REE arbitrary or despotic government or control.
2.Freedom independence from external or foreign rule.
3.freedom control, interference, obligation, restriction, what do think of negative terms, etc., the power or right, talking, etc., after the election.
4.freedom imprisonment, confinement or physical restraint: The prisoner soon recovered his freedom.
5.permission granted to a sailor, esp. in the Navy, to go ashore.


he state of being free or in its entirety and not in work or under physical compulsion: He won his freedom after a retrial.
2.exemption external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3. The power to act without determining restraint.
4.political or national independence.
5.Personal freedom, as opposed to slavery or servitude: a slave who bought his freedom.
6.exemption the presence of something specific (usually fol. For from): freedom from fear.
7.The no links or share, bonds, etc.
8.ease or facility of movement or action: the freedom to enjoy living in the country.
9.frankness manner or speech.
10.general exemption or immunity: freedom from taxation.
11.The reservation or no ceremony.
12.A liberty taken.
13 special immunities and privileges of a city or corporate tax: freedom.
14.civil freedom as submission to meet in an arbitrary or despotic government.
15.The right to special privileges or special rights of citizenship, membership, etc. in enjoyingChurch or similar.
16.The right to attend to enjoy or use at any time, away from the library of a friend.
17.Philosophy. the power to choose and make decisions without constraint from within or outside, autonomy, self-determination
6.freedom or right to use common or place: The visitors were given the freedom of the city.
7.unwarranted shameless freedom or speech or action or a form or instance of the same: to take liberties.

myhorsal... said...

Freedom is what brings the situation. Freedom is what you are to bring the situation.

JAREAD said...

The difference is that if we had the freedom, they were able to move freely. Now that we have freedom, we have a government that fill our daily lives, because freedom has become a "buzzword" and no longer exists. is like Santa Claus. We believe, but that's not real.

DanE said...

Liberty is generally considered a concept of political philosophy and identifies the conditions under which a person enjoys immunity from arbitrary power.

Freedom is a multidimensional concept that the ability to act in all areas, which includes up to this capacity expansion. Which is often measured by the degree of freedom from external constraints - or supervision, lack of submission and servility as the opposite of freedom. On the basis of external control, also known as self-determination or autonomy - on the other side is freedom as inner peace, the presence of internal control, internal experience of choice, spontaneity, satisfaction, and spirituality.

TATLI said...

Freedom is the freedom gained is stored

Lil Princess said...

Freedom, free from oppression, tyranny and slavery, freedom
Freedom, the condition or state of the free, independent, possession of political rights, the boldness of expression, freedom, freedom of access or use.

In a way, that mean the same thing, because they believe that the law almost everything you want
Hope it helps

jadamgrd said...

I would like to look things up so a person released from prison on bail. Now he has his freedom. But it is not free. It is free to go where and what he wants, he has to answer to the state. You can use the freedom, without freedom, but with the freedom that they are really free.

free_you... said...

Here are definitions from Wikipedia - What do you think are the differences?

Liberty is generally considered a concept of political philosophy and identifies the conditions under which a person enjoys immunity from arbitrary power.

Freedom is a multidimensional concept that the ability to act in all areas, which includes up to this capacity expansion. Which is often measured by the degree of freedom from external constraints - or supervision, lack of submission and servility as the opposite of freedom. On the basis of external control, also known as self-determination or autonomy - on the other side is freedom as inner peace, the presence of internal control, internal experience of choice, spontaneity, satisfaction, and spirituality.

The protection of interpersonal freedom can be the subject of social research and policy, while the metaphysical foundation of inner freedom is a philosophical and psychological question. Both forms of freedom come together in each case, as the internal and external values together in a dynamic compromise and power struggle stitch society fighting for power in defining the values and management of individual and societal acceptance of compliance in setting their own values in her.

Spiritual, includes freedom to hold peaceful acceptance of reality. The theological question of freedom generally focuses on reconciling the experience or the reality of inner freedom with the omnipotence of God.

jreality... said...

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